Kirby Conrod

Kirby Conrod

kirby's informal "hidden curriculum" series

9 stories

A simple MS paint drawing of kirby (in a yellow coat, with lab safety goggles and purple spikey hair) placing a little green stick figure in a beaker. There are three beakers on the table, containing green, red, and blue stick figures)
Mariah Carey, barefoot in a fancy pink dress holding a microphone and sitting in a big white throne
Kirby Conrod

Kirby Conrod

Pronoun Studies

19 stories

slightly sloppy ms paint drawing of kirby (purple hair, entire face is just glasses, yellow sweater) putting a quarter into a big jar)
A meme with Jesse and Mr White from Breaking Bad. Jesse: “You just go in the settings menu in your brain and you set the Look At Birds toggle to On.” Mr White: “what.” Jesse: “you know in the settings menu where it’s like the submenu for Looking you set the setting to Birds” (cont’d) “and then instead of looking at objects or trees or shapes or whatever your Looking is set for Birds. it sometimes gets squirrels too so watch out” Mr White: “kirby what the fuck are you talking about”
a digitally altered screenshot of a healthcare “details about me” page, where the text is chopped up and scrambled a bit
Kirby Conrod

Kirby Conrod

Dr. Conrod is a linguist at Swarthmore College. They write about transgender stuff, the linguistics of pronouns, and ways to work with your brain.